Our Mission – Learning Results: Service

Christbridge Academy’s program is designed to train the whole person for a life of excellence.

A series of nine expected schoolwide learning results have been constructed to reflect our philosophy, purpose, and program. They are divided into three areas of focus that interrelate: Spirit, Scholarship, and Service. Thus, a student who successfully completes CBA’s program will reflect the following:


These goals are accomplished through training in service and by creating a range of service opportunities in which students participate.

  • Each student will serve Christ in response to His great love for us. This responsiveness will enable them to develop adequate relational growth in regard to God, themselves, and others.
  • Each student will be involved in service to the community and others. This participation will spring out of a student’s personal response to the Lord and out of gratitude and appreciation for all that Christ and others have given to him/her.
  • Each student will share his/her faith with others prompted by a love of Christ that results in compassion and empathy for others.