Core Values

Christbridge Core Values

At CBA we believe in the networking of the Holy Spirit who leads young persons and their families to a place that we call “more than a school.” Our Eternal Father cares deeply about the whole person, and to that end, we follow three core principles that serve as the vital foundation of all our efforts and activity.


In short, Spirit involves the dynamic formation of “person” and character, actualized in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ through the work of the Holy Spirit.


Scholarship develops the mind, a love of learning, and a hunger and curiosity to know.


Service fosters a servant heart in response to the love of Christ – a grateful person that learns and loves to give – to serve Christ, their families, fellow students, and the local community.

Focus on Service

This month we’ll talk about the Service projects students engage in at CBA. In future months we’ll explore Spirit and Scholarship. Serving encourages students to give out of gratitude.

Each fall students raise money for our sister school, ELI Christian Academy, in Bukavu, Congo. Children from the Keredi slum, once an internally displaced camp, receive the privilege of an education and daily food, which many do not receive at home.

In spring, they raise funds for the Leukemia Society. CBA students participate in bake sales, on-campus snack sales, fundraiser breakfasts and lunches, car washes, door-to-door canvassing, and many other activities.

Three-day Thanksgiving and Easter break service trips to Tijuana allow students to serve at City of Angels Orphanage in La Gloria, the site of a vital ministry to orphans that CBA has participated in constructing and expanding over 20+ years.

Long-time Mayor and good friend of CBA, Joe Rocha, considers CBA a “hidden jewel” of the city of Azusa.  In support of his mission, we assist in community projects, including city street and canyon cleanups, flower and tree planting, and an annual mulch and compost giveaway.

Every year students participate in the three-day Azusa Golden Days community fair and celebration.  Working from our CBA booth or walking about the fair they meet and greet hundreds of folks as they pass out free gifts, including New Testaments, CBA Pencils and candy, inviting people to learn more about Christbridge.

On campus, students work to maintain their classroom space and to serve each other by daily collecting and taking campus trash to the on-site dumpster and on Fridays cleaning the classrooms, student bathrooms, and microwave machines.

In addition, we hold two on-campus events – Thanksgiving celebration and Heritage Day.  Many hours are spent preparing theme banners and decorations for these CBA “family” events.